Coverage by Le Monde:
Norway Accused of Profiting From the War in Ukraine, by Anne-Françoise Hivert, 24 January 2024. Pdf
Interviews with Bloomberg:
Banks’ Hidden ESG Risks Exposed in Norway Wealth-Fund Review, by Lars Erik Taraldsen, 22 August 2021. Pdf
Norway’s $1.4 Trillion Wealth Fund Puts Oil Stocks on Notice, by Lars Erik Taraldsen, 20 August 2021. Pdf
Interview with the Financial Times’ Sustainable Views:
Norway’s sovereign wealth fund exemplifies wider net zero issues, by Rachel So, 27 January 2022. Pdf
Panel debate on TRT World, RoundTable (video):
Norway election aftermath: Climate change shift?
Interview with S&P Global:
Norway’s sovereign wealth funds prepares net zero effort amid risk, by Christina Brooks, 8 April 2022. Pdf
Interview with Environmental Finance:
Zero emissions proposal for GPFG is ‘very significant’, by Thomas Cox, 23 August 2021. Pdf
Interview with Scandinavian press:
Norge har tjent 800 milliarder kroner på krigen i Ukraine. Politiken, by Karin Axelsson. Pdf
Interview with Norwegian press:
Ønskjer Oljefondet-grep på viktig klimamøte: – Norge kan sette et eksempel. E24, by Kjetil Malkenes Hovland, 23 August 2021. Pdf
Norwegian media coverage of policy statement on Government Pension Fund Global Membership of Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance:
En gyllen mulighet til å vise at Norge mener alvor med klimapolitikken. Dagens Næringsliv, by Knut Anton Mork, 6 October 2021. Pdf
NMBU-økonomer oppfordrer Oljefondet om å forplikte seg til netto null utslipp innen 2050. NMBU, by Ruth Lote, 10 September 2021. Pdf